Our Mission

The overall goal and mission of Seeds of the Heart is to take the message of the Gospel to the neediest areas of Mongolia.  The provinces of Khovd, Zavkhan, and Khuvsgul and their small rural villages are ripe for a might outpouring of God's Holy Spirit. We have seen where there is no established church, leaders, or an indigenous Christian community, that believers must live based on their faith alone with God.

Over the last 10 year, many pastors and missionaries have attempted to plant churches in Zavkhan, and as a result, 95 percent of them failed due to local strongholds and superstitions. Therefore, we are driven to work with other fellow friends and pastors to turn this around and bring His Light to a very dark place. This effort will also bring our resources together and will result in saving time and finances as well.  Most importantly, we are becoming stronger since we are united in one effort to bring healing and the Word of God to Mongolia.